Hi there, I have spent long time tring install my eclipse this week… So I want to keep a log of this work. Here is it, a list of modules named with correct versions (that are working together).
- eclipse (needeed for sure)
- acceleo-runtime-2.1.1
- mdt-uml2-SDK-2.1.1 (uml2 support)
- emf-sdo-xsd-SDK-2.3.1.zip (modeling framework)
- wtp-wst-M-2.0.2 (web source editors like xml, html, …)
- subclipse-1.2.4 (svn support)
- pydev-1_3_10 (python support)
I will now give you some links to install all that:
- eclipse
- acceleo
- mdt-uml2
- emf …
- wtp
- subclipse
- pydev
That’s it. I need to add Mylyn support (mylyn + pydev support), and a UML2 modeler (like topcased) to be ready for MDA production ! But I have a pb with GMF on downloads. I hope it will be soon fixed.